Deborah Deras |
Ready to make the next 6 months your best? Top Latina speaker Deborah Deras explains the power of vision boarding to help you clarify your desires and start manifesting your dreams.
How does one dress during a pandemic? Wardrobe consultant Jana Coke has with a special message on dressing for a pandemic lifestyle, including how to pivot your wardrobe without losing your Style Identity, and why lipstick is an intimate as a hug.
Desiree Doubrox |
Our guest, entrepreneur Desiree Doubrox, leads an informative and eye-opening discussion about Content Marketing: what it is, why it matters, and how to get started. Learn how to captivate and enthrall your ideal clients with great content that adds value to their life or work!
Tia Hughes |
Los Angeles real estate expert Tia Hughes leads an informative discussion about emerging trends in real estate, including some opportunities you might not have considered and risks to watch out for.
Wendy Gladney |
Are you challenged about your meaning in the world, especially now? In our first Smart Women/Savvy Money Webinar of 2021, Urban Wealth Management welcomes back Wendy Gladney with a discussion of how you can rise above the clutter and noise of everyday life to find, embrace, and start living out your life's purpose—even in these still uncertain times.
Investment professionals sometimes get caught up in acronyms: RI, SRI, ESG. They stand for real things—real stances on investing and real business approaches by companies. And they're not quite interchangeable, although they have some things in common.
Devra Korwin |
When people talk about retirement planning, they usually mean financial planning. However, it's equally essential to prepare for non-financial challenges that will accompany your transition from to your “3rd Act.”
Zenobia Millet |
Protect yourself and strike back at scammers! You know how common scams have become these days. Phone scams prey on our uncertainty and politeness. Convincing “phishing” emails try to fool you into giving up good information. It's frustrating, but with a little knowledge, you can fight back.
Janice Cohen |
Are you getting the most out of every asset you have? With careful planning and good guidance, it's possible to leverage your equity in your home safely to not only cover taxes and maintenance but also help secure your long-term financial future.
Sona Tatiyants |
Got a trust? Great. Are you done? Nope. René Nourse talks with estate planning attorney Sona Tatiyants about “extra” planning scenarios you might not have anticipated. Everyone has something uniquely special in their life—make sure all of your wishes are known and respected.