Tia Hughes |
Real estate can be a good option for investing, but becoming a landlord is a big step! Like all investments, real estate can have its ups and downs. Before you start, it's important to understand yourself. What are your goals? What are your priorities and limitations? Tia Hughes introduces some of the big questions to ask and things you can expect before investing in real estate.
How much is your house sitting on? There are lots of differing opinions about reverse mortgages. Are they safe for retirement or longevity planning? Licensed Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer Janice Cohen has seen the transformation of reverse mortgages into a key component of strategic financial and estate planning and takes us through the basics.
Jana Coke |
Finding your “Style Personality” means finding the clothing that helps you feel the most like yourself. There is no ideal body shape—whatever shape your body is, that’s perfect for you. The key is finding the silhouette that flatters you most, so that nothing gets in the way of you radiating confidence.
Wendy Gladney |
What are your gifts? Where do you excel? Where are your heart and intuition leading you? Many of us get caught up in the journey of life and end up going through the motions, and we fail to listen to our inner voice and clues that can guide us to the answer.
Wendy Ida |
If you’re making New Year’s Resolutions, I’m willing to bet something related to health and wellness is in your top three. Whether it’s committing to being more active, changing your eating habits, or finding ways to reduce stress, watching your health is an important part of creating the lifestyle you desire and deserve.
Lois P. Frankel |
There are so many characteristics of good leader. We know courage and confidence are key. How can we be the best leaders possible? How do we increase our courage and expand our confidence? Dr. Lois P. Frankel joins us to help us reflect on our past leadership goals and plan for the coming year.
Megan Nogle, Laura Chooljian |
Most of us have parts of our lives online in some capacity. Do you check your bank account and credit cards online? Do you have any kind of social media presence? Do you have an account with Amazon.com or another online vendor? What happens to these assets if you become incapacitated, or when you die?
Bella Wang, CPA, MST, CGMA |
Want to know how tax reform will affect your tax situation? In this webinar, Bella Wang, a CPA with the tax firm Windes, presents tax reform highlights and strategies for the future. We cover key provisions for individuals, an overview of significant changes for businesses and their owners, and tips on how to to make the new law act work for you.
René Nourse, CFP® |
Social Security has many advantages and benefits—IF they are accessed at the right time, in the right way. René Nourse explains Social Security benefits, their requirements, and filing strategies that can help you maximize your income over your lifetime.
Jana Coke |
You only have one time to make a first impression—and first impressions take 5 seconds, right? So does your style really reflect what you want others to know about you? Maybe not…? In this webinar, wardrobe consultant Jana Coke helps us explore how to find (or create) your style personality and make sure it reflects who you are—or want to be.
Zenobia Millet |
It’s inevitable that “the cloud” is touching your business as well as your personal life. Banking, medicine, commerce, and education—to name a few—all rely on “big data” and “the cloud” to provide us with service on demand. When you synchronize your computers and mobile devices, for instance, you are also using “the cloud” to keep you organized effortlessly. So what exactly is “the cloud”?